Higher level methods for routing and visualizing tracer particles.
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- dorado.routines.animate_plots(start_val, end_val, folder_name)[source]¶
Animation routine, requires an optional animation writer.
Routine to make mp4 animation of the particle routing from png outputs of the previous plotting routines.
Inputs :
- start_valint
Number of first plot to use
- end_valint
Number of last plot to use
- folder_namestr
Name of output folder to get results from
Outputs :
Saves an mp4 animation to the results folder
- dorado.routines.draw_travel_path(grid, walk_data, particles_to_follow='all', output_file='travel_paths.png', interval=1, plot_legend=False)[source]¶
Make a plot with the travel path of specified particles drawn out.
Inputs :
- gridnumpy.ndarray
A 2-D grid upon which the particles will be plotted. Examples of grids that might be nice to use are dorado.particle_track.modelParams.depth, dorado.particle_track.modelParams.stage, dorado.particle_track.modelParams.topography.
- walk_datadict
Output of steady_plots, unsteady_plots, time_plots, as well as the particle_track.run_iteration method.
- particles_to_followlist, optional
List of particle numbers for which to draw the travel paths. Default is all particles.
- output_filestr, optional
Path to save the output image to.
- intervalint, optional
Determines how “smooth” each particle trajectory appears by skipping iterations between successive points on the path. Default it to show every iteration
- plot_legendbool, optional
Controls whether resulting plot includes a legend of particle IDs. Default is False
Outputs :
Saves a plot of particle travel paths.
- dorado.routines.get_state(walk_data, iteration=-1, verbose=True)[source]¶
Pull walk_data values from a specific iteration.
Routine to return slices of the walk_data dict at a given iteration #. This function provides a shortcut to ‘smart’ indexing of the dict. By default returns information on the most recent step
Inputs :
- walk_datadict
Dictionary of all x and y locations and travel times
- iterationint, optional
Iteration number at which to slice the dictionary. Defaults to -1, i.e. the most recent step
- verbosebool, optional
Toggles whether or not messages print to the console. If False, nothing is output, if True, messages are output. Default value is True. Errors are always raised.
Outputs :
- xindslist
List containing equivalent of walk_data[‘xinds’][:][iteration]
- yindslist
List containing equivalent of walk_data[‘yinds’][:][iteration]
- timeslist
List containing equivalent of walk_data[‘travel_times’][:][iteration]
- dorado.routines.get_time_state(walk_data, target_time, verbose=True)[source]¶
Pull walk_data values nearest to a specific time.
Routine to return slices of the walk_data dict at a given travel time. This function provides a shortcut to ‘smart’ indexing of the dict.
Inputs :
- walk_datadict
Dictionary of all x and y locations and travel times
- target_timefloat
Travel time at which to slice the dictionary.
- verbosebool, optional
Toggles whether or not messages print to the console. If False, nothing is output, if True, messages are output. Default value is True. Errors are always raised.
Outputs :
- xindslist
List containing equivalent of walk_data[‘xinds’][:][i], where i represents the index at which travel time is nearest to input.
- yindslist
List containing equivalent of walk_data[‘yinds’][:][i], where i represents the index at which travel time is nearest to input.
- timeslist
List containing equivalent of walk_data[‘travel_times’][:][i], where i represents the index at which travel time is nearest to input. Times will differ slightly from input time due to the nature of the method.
- dorado.routines.plot_exposure_time(walk_data, exposure_times, folder_name=None, timedelta=1, nbins=100, save_output=True, verbose=True)[source]¶
Plot exposure time distribution of particles in a specified region.
Function to plot the exposure time distribution (ETD) of particles to the specified region. Relies on the output of particle_track.exposure_time
Inputs :
- walk_datadict
Output of a previous function call to run_iteration.
- exposure_timeslist
List [] of floats containing the output of particle_track.exposure_time
- folder_namestr, optional
Path to folder in which to save output plots.
- timedeltaint or float, optional
Unit of time for time-axis of ETD plots, specified as time in seconds (e.g. an input of 60 plots things by minute).
- nbinsint, optional
Number of bins to use as the time axis for differential ETD. Using fewer bins smoothes out curves.
- save_outputbool, optional
Controls whether or not the output images/data are saved to disk. Default value is True.
- verbosebool, optional
Toggles whether or not messages print to the console. If False, nothing is output, if True, messages are output. Default value is True. Errors are always raised.
Outputs :
If save_output is set to True, script saves plots of the cumulative and differential forms of the ETD as a png and the list of exposure times as a json (‘human-readable’) text file.
- dorado.routines.plot_state(grid, walk_data, iteration=-1, target_time=None, c='b')[source]¶
Plot particle positions on an array.
Inputs :
- gridnumpy.ndarray
A 2-D grid upon which the particles will be plotted. Examples of grids that might be nice to use are dorado.particle_track.modelParams.depth, dorado.particle_track.modelParams.stage, dorado.particle_track.modelParams.topography.
- walk_datadict
The dictionary with the particle information. This is the output from one of the other routines or the
function.- iterationint, optional
Iteration number at which to plot the particles. Default is -1, i.e. the most recent step
- target_timefloat, optional
Travel time at which to plot the particles. If specified, iteration is ignored.
- cstr, optional
String to specify the color of the particle marks to draw on the figure, default is ‘b’ for blue
Outputs :
- axmatplotlib.axes
A matplotlib.axes with the intended plot drawn on it
- dorado.routines.show_nourishment_area(visit_freq, grid=None, walk_data=None, cmap='Reds', sigma=0.7, min_alpha=0, show_seed=True, seed_color='dodgerblue')[source]¶
Plot a smoothed, normalized heatmap of particle visit frequency.
Function will plot the history of particle travel locations in walk_data as a heatmap overtop the specified grid, using the output of
. Colors indicate number of instances in which that cell was occupied by a particle.Inputs :
- visit_freqnumpy.ndarray
A 2-D grid of normalized particle visit frequencies, i.e. the output of the
function- gridnumpy.ndarray, optional
An optional 2-D grid upon which the particles will be plotted. Examples of grids that might be nice to use are dorado.particle_track.modelParams.depth, dorado.particle_track.modelParams.stage, dorado.particle_track.modelParams.topography.
- walk_datadict, optional
The dictionary with the particle information, which is used to show the seed location. This is the output from one of the other routines or the
function.- cmapstr, optional
Name of Matplotlib colormap used for the foreground (heatmap). Default is ‘Reds’
- sigmafloat, optional
Degree of spatial smoothing of the heatmap used in the dorado.particle_track.nourishment_area() function, only used to adjust the plot asthetics for low sigma’s
- min_alphafloat, optional
Minimum alpha value of the heatmap, representing the least frequented cell locations, default is full transparency
- show_seedbool, optional
Determines whether resulting plot shows a marker indicating the (first) seed location. Uses indices of walk_data[:][0][0]. Default is True, but only if ‘walk_data’ is also provided.
- seed_colorstr, optional
Name of matplotlib color used for the marker seed, if shown. Default is a light blue to contrast with the ‘Reds’ heatmap.
Outputs :
- axmatplotlib.axes
A matplotlib.axes upon which the nourishment area is drawn
- dorado.routines.show_nourishment_time(mean_times, grid=None, walk_data=None, cmap='magma', show_colorbar=True, min_alpha=0.3, show_seed=True, seed_color='dodgerblue')[source]¶
Plot a smoothed heatmap of mean particle visit time.
Function will plot the history of mean particle travel times in walk_data as a heatmap overtop the specified grid, using the output of
. Colors indicate the mean length of time particles spent in each cell (potentially after smoothing)Inputs :
- mean_timesnumpy.ndarray
Array of mean occupation times in each cell, i.e. the output of the
function- gridnumpy.ndarray, optional
An optional 2-D grid upon which the particles will be plotted. Recommended to use dorado.particle_track.modelParams.topography
- walk_datadict, optional
The dictionary with the particle information, which is used to show the seed location. This is the output from one of the other routines or the
function.- cmapstr, optional
Name of Matplotlib colormap used for the foreground (heatmap). Default is ‘magma’
- show_colorbarbool, optional
Controls whether to plot a colorbar for mean_times, default is False
- min_alphafloat, optional
Minimum alpha value of the heatmap, representing the cells which spent the least amount of time occupied, default is 0.3
- show_seedbool, optional
Determines whether resulting plot shows a marker indicating the (first) seed location. Uses indices of walk_data[:][0][0]. Default is True, but only if ‘walk_data’ is also provided.
- seed_colorstr, optional
Name of matplotlib color used for the marker seed, if shown. Default is a light blue.
Outputs :
- axmatplotlib.axes
A matplotlib.axes upon which the nourishment times are drawn
- dorado.routines.snake_plots(grid, walk_data, num_steps, folder_name=None, interval=4, tail_length=12, rgba_start=[1, 0.4, 0.2, 1], rgba_end=[1, 0.3, 0.1, 0], verbose=True)[source]¶
Plot particle positions with a trailing tail.
Loops through existing walk_data history and creates a series of plots of the particle locations, with recent locations shown as a trailing tail. Default is for the tails to fade away, but they can also change color. Currently this function can only sync up particles by iteration number, not travel_times.
Inputs :
- gridnumpy.ndarray
A 2-D grid upon which the particles will be plotted. Examples of grids that might be nice to use are dorado.particle_track.modelParams.depth, dorado.particle_track.modelParams.stage, dorado.particle_track.modelParams.topography.
- walk_datadict
Output of steady_plots, unsteady_plots, time_plots, as well as the particle_track.run_iteration method.
- num_stepsint
Number of states in the particle history to plot
- folder_namestr, optional
Path to folder in which to save output plots
- intervalint, optional
Interval of iterations to skip over between each plot. Also determines how “smooth” each particle trajectory appears. Default is to show every 4th iteration
- tail_lengthint, optional
Number of previous locations to show in the “tail” behind each particle. Oldest location will be interval*tail_length iterations before the current iteration. Default is 12
- rgba_startlist, optional
List of floats to use as the “recent” color in the particle path, specified as [red, green, blue, alpha] in the range 0-1. Default is a light orange
- rgba_endlist, optional
List of floats to use as the “oldest” color in the particle path, specified as [red, green, blue, alpha] in the range 0-1. Default slowly fades to red-ish with an alpha of zero
- verbosebool, optional
Toggles whether or not messages print to the console. If False, nothing is output, if True, messages are output. Default value is True. Errors are always raised.
Outputs :
Saves a plot of the particle travel history at each step as a png
- dorado.routines.steady_plots(particle, num_iter, folder_name=None, save_output=True, verbose=True)[source]¶
Automated particle movement in steady flow field.
Function to automate plotting of particle movement over a steady flow fields. Particles all have same number of iterations and are allowed to have different travel times.
Inputs :
- particle
An initialized
object with some generated particles.- num_iterint
Number of iterations to move particles over
- folder_namestr, optional
Path to folder in which to save output plots.
- save_outputbool, optional
Controls whether or not the output images/data are saved to disk. Default value is True.
- verbosebool, optional
Toggles whether or not messages print to the console. If False, nothing is output, if True, messages are output. Default value is True. Errors are always raised.
Outputs :
- walk_datadict
Dictionary of all x and y locations and travel times
If save_output is set to True, script saves result of each iteration to a folder with the figure for each iteration as a png and the data with the particle locations and travel times as a json (‘human-readable’) text file.
- particle
- dorado.routines.time_plots(particle, num_iter, folder_name=None, verbose=True)[source]¶
Steady flow plots with particle travel times visualized.
Make plots with each particle’s travel time visualized. Routine assumes a steady flow field, but could be expanded to an unsteady case.
Inputs :
- particle
An initialized
object with some generated particles.- num_iterint
Number of iterations to move particles
- folder_namestr, optional
Path to folder in which to save output plots.
- verbosebool, optional
Toggles whether or not messages print to the console. If False, nothing is output, if True, messages are output. Default value is True. Errors are always raised.
Outputs :
- walk_datadict
Dictionary of all x and y locations and travel times
Saves plots and data for each iteration
- particle
- dorado.routines.unsteady_plots(dx, Np_tracer, seed_xloc, seed_yloc, num_steps, timestep, output_base, output_type, folder_name=None, verbose=True)[source]¶
Automated particle movement in unsteady flow.
Function to automate plotting of particle movement in an unsteady flow field (time-varying). Particles all have the same travel time at the end of each timestep and are allowed to have a different number of iterations. Flow field variables (qx, qy, depth) are updated after each timestep. Because this function makes very specific assumptions about your model output files, feel free to use this as a template and change the section that updates the flow field.
Inputs :
- dxfloat
Length of a cell face
- Np_tracerint
Number of particles to generate.
- seed_xloclist
List of x-coordinates over which to initially distribute the particles.
- seed_yloclist
List of y-coordinates over which to initially distribute the particles.
- num_stepsint
Number of model timesteps being covered
- timestepfloat
Model timestep duration (seconds)
- output_basestr
Filepath string locating hydrodynamic output files
- output_typestr
Filetype string of the output files. Currently accepts ‘csv’, ‘npy’, and ‘npz’. Assumes filenames begin with either ‘depth’, ‘stage’, ‘qx’, ‘qy’, or ‘data’, followed by timestep information (limited built-in support, may require modification)
- folder_namestr, optional
Path to folder in which to save output plots.
- verbosebool, optional
Toggles whether or not messages print to the console. If False, nothing is output, if True, messages are output. Default value is True. Errors are always raised.
Outputs :
- walk_datadict
Dictionary of all x and y locations and travel times
Script saves result of each iteration to a folder with the figure for each iteration as a png and the data with the particle locations and travel times as a json text file.