Source code for dorado.parallel_routing

"""Parallel functionality using the native Python multiprocessing library.

Parallel functionality using multiprocessing (included with Python).
For local parallelization using CPU cores.

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from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import range, map
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
import re
import string
from multiprocessing import Pool

# convert run script into a function that returns a single dictionary 'data'
[docs]def run_iter(pobj): """Wrapper run script for the particle iterations. This is an internal function that should not be called directly. Rather it is wrapped by the `parallel_routing` function and mapped to the CPU cores to allow for particle routing in parallel. Uses a small `parallel_obj` class to hold a bunch of attributes and do the particle generation and routing. **Inputs** : pobj : :obj:`parallel_obj` Special parallel object. **Outputs** : all_walk_data : `list` Nested list of all x and y locations and travel times, with details same as input previous_walk_data """ pobj.particles.generate_particles(pobj.Np_tracer, pobj.seed_xloc, pobj.seed_yloc) # do iterations for i in list(range(0, pobj.num_iter)): all_walk = pobj.particles.run_iteration() return all_walk
[docs]def combine_result(par_result): """Combine results from each core. Take the parallel resulting list and combine the entries so that a single dictionary with the beginning/end indices and travel times for all particles is returned as opposed to a list with one dictionary per parallel process **Inputs** : par_result : `list` List of length(num_cores) with a dictionary of the beg/end indices and travel times for each particle computed by that process/core **Outputs** : single_result : `list` Nested list that matches 'all_walk_data' """ # initiate final results dictionary single_result = dict() single_result['x_inds'] = [] single_result['y_inds'] = [] single_result['travel_times'] = [] # populate the dictionary # loop through results for each core for i in range(0, len(par_result)): # append results for each category for j in range(0, len(par_result[i][0])): single_result['x_inds'].append(par_result[i][0][j]) single_result['y_inds'].append(par_result[i][1][j]) single_result['travel_times'].append(par_result[i][2][j]) return single_result
[docs]class parallel_obj: """ Empty class to hold parallel parameters. This is an internal class used by `parallel_routing` that never needs to be defined outside of that function. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize attributes.""" parallel_obj.particles = None parallel_obj.num_iter = None parallel_obj.Np_tracer = None parallel_obj.seed_xloc = None parallel_obj.seed_yloc = None
[docs]def parallel_routing(particles, num_iter, Np_tracer, seed_xloc, seed_yloc, num_cores): """Do the parallel routing of particles. Function to do parallel routing of particles. Does this by duplicating the call to *Particle.run_iteration()* across different processes. **Inputs** : particle : :obj:`dorado.particle_track.Particles` An initialized :obj:`particle_track.Particles` object with some generated particles. num_iter : `int` Number of iterations to route particles for Np_tracer : `int` Number of particles to generate. seed_xloc : `list` List of x-coordinates over which to initially distribute the particles. seed_yloc : `list` List of y-coordinates over which to initially distribute the particles. num_cores : `int` Number of processors/cores to use for parallel part **Outputs** : par_result : `list` List of length(num_cores) with a dictionary of the beg/end indices and travel times for each particle computed by that process/core """ # make parallel object to assign to function pobj = parallel_obj pobj.particles = particles pobj.num_iter = num_iter pobj.Np_tracer = Np_tracer pobj.seed_xloc = seed_xloc pobj.seed_yloc = seed_yloc # define list to pass to actual function that will be mapped to in parallel p_list = [pobj] * num_cores # create the parallel pool and run the process p = Pool(processes=num_cores) par_result =, p_list) p.terminate() return par_result