Source code for dorado.lagrangian_walker

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Core functions to handle the Lagrangian random walk movement of the particles.

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from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import range, map
from math import cos
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import random
from numpy import maximum, nansum

[docs]def random_pick_seed(choices, probs=None): """Randomly pick a number from array of choices. **Inputs** : choices : `ndarray` Array of possible values to draw from probs : `ndarray` *Optional*, can add weighted probabilities to draw **Outputs** : choices[idx] : `int` The randomly chosen value """ # randomly pick tracer drop cell to use given a list of potential spots if not probs: probs = np.array([1 for i in list(range(len(choices)))]) # find the corresp. index value from input 'choices' list of indices cutoffs = np.cumsum(probs) idx = cutoffs.searchsorted(np.random.uniform(0, cutoffs[-1])) return choices[idx]
[docs]def big_sliding_window(raster): """Creates 3D array organizing local neighbors at every index Returns a raster of shape (L,W,9) which organizes (along the third dimension) all of the neighbors in the original raster at a given index, in the order [NW, N, NE, W, 0, E, SW, S, SE]. Outputs are ordered to match np.ravel(), so it functions similarly to a loop applying ravel to the elements around each index. For example, the neighboring values in raster indexed at (i,j) are raster(i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2).ravel(). These 9 values have been mapped to big_ravel(i,j,:) for ease of computations. Helper function for make_weight. **Inputs** : raster : `ndarray` 2D array of values (e.g. stage, qx) **Outputs** : big_ravel : `ndarray` 3D array which sorts the D8 neighbors at index (i,j) in raster into the 3rd dimension at (i,j,:) """ big_ravel = np.zeros((raster.shape[0],raster.shape[1],9)) big_ravel[1:-1,1:-1,0] = raster[0:-2,0:-2] big_ravel[1:-1,1:-1,1] = raster[0:-2,1:-1] big_ravel[1:-1,1:-1,2] = raster[0:-2,2:] big_ravel[1:-1,1:-1,3] = raster[1:-1,0:-2] big_ravel[1:-1,1:-1,4] = raster[1:-1,1:-1] big_ravel[1:-1,1:-1,5] = raster[1:-1,2:] big_ravel[1:-1,1:-1,6] = raster[2:,0:-2] big_ravel[1:-1,1:-1,7] = raster[2:,1:-1] big_ravel[1:-1,1:-1,8] = raster[2:,2:] return big_ravel
[docs]def tile_local_array(local_array, L, W): """Take a local array [[NW, N, NE], [W, 0, E], [SW, S, SE]] and repeat it into an array of shape (L,W,9), where L, W are the shape of the domain, and the original elements are ordered along the third axis. Helper function for make_weight. **Inputs** : local_array : `ndarray` 2D array of represnting the D8 neighbors around some index (e.g. ivec, jvec) L : `int` Length of the domain W : `int` Width of the domain **Outputs** : tiled_array : `ndarray` 3D array repeating local_array.ravel() LxW times """ return np.tile(local_array.ravel(), (L, W, 1))
[docs]def tile_domain_array(raster): """Repeat a large 2D array 9 times along the third axis. Helper function for make_weight. **Inputs** : raster : `ndarray` 2D array of values (e.g. stage, qx) **Outputs** : tiled_array : `ndarray` 3D array repeating raster 9 times """ return np.repeat(raster[:, :, np.newaxis], 9, axis=2)
[docs]def clear_borders(tiled_array): """Set to zero all the edge elements of a vertical stack of 2D arrays. Helper function for make_weight. **Inputs** : tiled_array : `ndarray` 3D array repeating raster (e.g. stage, qx) 9 times along the third axis **Outputs** : tiled_array : `ndarray` The same 3D array as the input, but with the borders in the first and second dimension set to 0. """ tiled_array[0,:,:] = 0. tiled_array[:,0,:] = 0. tiled_array[-1,:,:] = 0. tiled_array[:,-1,:] = 0. return
[docs]def make_weight(Particles): """Create the weighting array for particle routing Function to compute the routing weights at each index, which gets stored inside the :obj:`dorado.particle_track.Particles` object for use when routing. Called when the object gets instantiated. **Inputs** : Particles : :obj:`dorado.particle_track.Particles` A :obj:`dorado.particle_track.Particles` object **Outputs** : Updates the weights array inside the :obj:`dorado.particle_track.Particles` object """ L, W = Particles.stage.shape # calculate surface slope weights weight_sfc = (tile_domain_array(Particles.stage) \ - big_sliding_window(Particles.stage)) weight_sfc /= tile_local_array(Particles.distances, L, W) weight_sfc[weight_sfc <= 0] = 0 clear_borders(weight_sfc) # calculate inertial component weights weight_int = (tile_domain_array(Particles.qx)*tile_local_array(Particles.jvec, L, W)) \ + (tile_domain_array(Particles.qy)*tile_local_array(Particles.ivec, L, W)) weight_int /= tile_local_array(Particles.distances, L, W) weight_int[weight_int <= 0] = 0 clear_borders(weight_int) # get depth and cell types for neighboring cells depth_ind = big_sliding_window(Particles.depth) ct_ind = big_sliding_window(Particles.cell_type) # set weights for cells that are too shallow, or invalid 0 weight_sfc[(depth_ind <= Particles.dry_depth) | (ct_ind == 2)] = 0 weight_int[(depth_ind <= Particles.dry_depth) | (ct_ind == 2)] = 0 # if sum of weights is above 0 normalize by sum of weights norm_sfc = np.nansum(weight_sfc, axis=2) idx_sfc = tile_domain_array((norm_sfc > 0)) weight_sfc[idx_sfc] /= tile_domain_array(norm_sfc)[idx_sfc] norm_int = np.nansum(weight_int, axis=2) idx_int = tile_domain_array((norm_int > 0)) weight_int[idx_int] /= tile_domain_array(norm_int)[idx_int] # define actual weight by using gamma, and weight components weight = Particles.gamma * weight_sfc + \ (1 - Particles.gamma) * weight_int # modify the weight by the depth and theta weighting parameter weight = depth_ind ** Particles.theta * weight # if the depth is below the minimum depth then set weight to 0 weight[(depth_ind <= Particles.dry_depth) | (ct_ind == 2)] = 0 # if it's a dead end with only nans and 0's, choose deepest cell zero_weights = tile_domain_array((np.nansum(weight, axis=2) <= 0)) deepest_cells = (depth_ind == tile_domain_array(np.max(depth_ind,axis=2))) choose_deep_cells = (zero_weights & deepest_cells) weight[choose_deep_cells] = 1.0 # Final checks, eliminate invalid choices clear_borders(weight) # set weight in the true weight array Particles.weight = weight
[docs]def get_weight(Particles, ind): """Choose new cell location given an initial location. Function to randomly choose 1 of the surrounding 8 cells around the current index using the routing weights from make_weight. **Inputs** : Particles : :obj:`dorado.particle_track.Particles` A :obj:`dorado.particle_track.Particles` object ind : `tuple` Tuple (x,y) with the current location indices **Outputs** : new_cell : `int` New location given as a value between 1 and 8 (inclusive) """ # randomly pick the new cell for the particle to move to using the # random_pick function and the set of weights if Particles.steepest_descent is not True: new_cell = random_pick(Particles.weight[ind[0], ind[1], :]) elif Particles.steepest_descent is True: new_cell = steep_descent(Particles.weight[ind[0], ind[1], :]) return new_cell
[docs]def calculate_new_ind(ind, new_cell, iwalk, jwalk): """Add new cell location (1-8 value) to the previous index. **Inputs** : ind : `tuple` Tuple (x,y) of old particle location new_cell : `int` Integer 1-8 indicating new cell location relative to the old one in a D-8 sense iwalk : `ndarray` A D8 array with the positive and negative x directions jwalk : `ndarray` A D8 array with the positive and negative y directions **Outputs** : new_ind : `tuple` tuple (x,y) of the new particle location """ # add the index and the flattened x and y walk component # x,y walk component is related to the next cell chosen as a # 1-8 location new_ind = (ind[0] + jwalk.flat[new_cell], ind[1] + iwalk.flat[new_cell]) return new_ind
[docs]def step_update(new_cell, distances, dx): """Get distance to new particle location. Function to check new location is some distance away from old one, also provides way to track the travel distance of the particles **Inputs** : new_cell : `int` Integer 1-8 indicating new location in D-8 way distances : `ndarray` D8 distances between cells dx : `float` Length along one square cell face **Outputs** : dist : `float` Distance between current (old) and new particle location """ # compute the step distance to be taken dist = distances.flat[new_cell]*float(dx) return dist
[docs]def calc_travel_times(Particles, new_cell, ind, new_ind, dist): """Calculate travel time for particle to get to the new location. Function to calculate the travel time for the particle to get from the current location to the new location. Calculated by taking the inverse of the velocity at the old and new locations. **Inputs** : Particles : :obj:`dorado.particle_track.Particles` A :obj:`dorado.particle_track.Particles` object new_cell : `int` Integer 1-8 indicating new location in D-8 way ind : `tuple` Tuple (x,y) of the current location new_ind : `tuple` Tuple (x,y) of the new location dist : `float` Distance between current (old) and new particle location **Outputs** : trav_time : `float` Travel time it takes the particle to get from the current location to the new proposed location using the inverse of the average velocity """ # make sure the new location is different from the current one if ind != new_ind: # get old position velocity value old_vel = Particles.velocity[ind[0], ind[1]] # new position velocity value new_vel = Particles.velocity[new_ind[0], new_ind[1]] # Compute diffusion term # (sample uniform distribution centered at 0 and diff_coeff wide) if Particles.diff_coeff > 0: diff = (0.5 - random())*Particles.diff_coeff else: diff = 0.0 # Compute distance traveled in the orientation of mean flow path # If we moved backwards/orthogonal, step was instantaneous projected_dist = dist*max(0, cos(Particles.angles.flat[new_cell] - Particles.velocity_angle[ind[0], ind[1]])) # Compute average velocity over step trav_time = 0.5*projected_dist*(1/old_vel + 1/new_vel)*(1+diff) else: trav_time = 0 # particle did not move return trav_time
[docs]def check_for_boundary(new_inds, current_inds, cell_type): """Ensure new location is not a boundary cell. Function to make sure particle is not exiting the boundary with the proposed new location. **Inputs** : new_inds : `list` List [] of tuples (x,y) of new indices current_inds : `list` List [] of tuples (x,y) of old indices cell_type : `numpy.ndarray` Array of the different types of cells in the domain where 2 = land, 1 = channel, 0 = ocean, and -1 = edge. If not explicitly defined then the values are estimated based on the depth array and the defined dry_depth **Outputs** : new_inds : `list` list [] of tuples (x,y) of new indices where any proposed indices outside of the domain have been replaced by the old indices so those particles will not travel this iteration """ # Check if the new indices are on an edge (type==-1) # If so, then stop moving particle for i in range(0, len(new_inds)): # If particle borders an edge, cancel out any additional steps if -1 in cell_type[current_inds[i][0]-1:current_inds[i][0]+2, current_inds[i][1]-1:current_inds[i][1]+2]: new_inds[i][0] = current_inds[i][0] new_inds[i][1] = current_inds[i][1] return new_inds
[docs]def random_pick(probs): """Pick value from weighted probability array. Randomly pick a number weighted by array probs (len 8) Return the index of the selected weight in array probs **Inputs** : probs : `list` 8 values indicating the probability (weight) associated with the surrounding cells for the random walk **Outputs** : idx : `int` 1-8 value chosen randomly based on the weighted probabilities """ probs[np.isnan(probs)] = 0 # any nans are assigned as 0 cutoffs = np.cumsum(probs) # cumulative sum of all probabilities # randomly pick indices from cutoffs based on uniform distribution idx = cutoffs.searchsorted(np.random.uniform(0, cutoffs[-1])) return idx
[docs]def steep_descent(probs): """Choose value with greatest probability, no longer random. Pick the array value with the greatest probability, no longer a stochastic process, instead just choosing the steepest descent **Inputs** : probs : `float` 8 values indicating probability (weight) associated with the surrounding cells **Outputs** : idx : `int` 1-8 value chosen by greatest probs """ max_val = np.nanmax(probs) # remove initial location (index 4) from consideration probs[4] = 0 # remove any locations from consideration beneath max value probs[probs < max_val] = 0 # any nans become ignored too probs[np.isnan(probs)] = 0 # will pick either the index corresponding to the max value if there # is just 1, or it will randomly choose between values in the event # of a tie cutoffs = np.cumsum(probs) # cumulative sum of all probabilities idx = cutoffs.searchsorted(np.random.uniform(0, cutoffs[-1])) return idx
[docs]def particle_stepper(Particles, current_inds, travel_times): """Step particles a single iteration. **Inputs** : Particles: :obj:`dorado.particle_track.Particles` A :obj:`dorado.particle_track.Particles` object. current_inds : `list` List of tuples of the current particle (x,y) locations in space travel_times : `list` List of initial travel times for the particles **Outputs** : new_inds : `list` List of the new particle locations after the single iteration travel_times : `list` List of the travel times associated with the particle movements """ inds = current_inds # get indices as coordinates in the domain # split the indices into tuples inds_tuple = [(inds[i][0], inds[i][1]) for i in range(len(inds))] # for each particle index get the weights new_cells = [get_weight(Particles, x) if x != (0, 0) else 4 for x in inds_tuple] # for each particle get the new index new_inds = list(map(lambda x, y: calculate_new_ind(x, y, Particles.iwalk, Particles.jwalk) if y != 4 else x, inds_tuple, new_cells)) # move each particle to the new index dist = list(map(lambda x: step_update(x, Particles.distances, Particles.dx), new_cells)) # put new indices into array new_inds = np.array(new_inds, dtype=np.int32) new_inds[np.array(dist) == 0] = 0 # see if the indices are at boundaries new_inds = check_for_boundary(new_inds, inds, Particles.cell_type) # transform from np array to list new_inds = new_inds.tolist() # add the travel times temp_travel = list(map(lambda w, x, y, z: calc_travel_times(Particles, w, x, y, z), new_cells, current_inds, new_inds, dist)) # add to existing times travel_times = [travel_times[i] + temp_travel[i] for i in range(0, len(travel_times))] travel_times = list(travel_times) return new_inds, travel_times