.. _example04: Example 4 - Toggling Steepest Descent ===================================== In this example we will show you how to use the 'steepest_descent' toggle to create a deterministic simulation of the particle routing. When the 'steepest_descent' option is enabled, the random walk functionality is turned off and instead the particles move deterministically from cell to cell. Full example script available :download:`here <../../../examples/steepest_descent_deltarcm.py>`. After initializing the parameters and particles in the same way as in :ref:`example02`, we need to change one of the default settings for the parameters class to turn on 'steepest_descent'. .. doctest:: >>> params.steepest_descent = True From here, we can continue as we did in :ref:`example02`. .. doctest:: >>> walk_data = steady_plots(particles, 50, 'steepest_descent_example') .. image:: images/example04/steepest_descent.gif